Transformational Breath® and Sound Therapy

'I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become' - Carl Jung

Welcome to Expansion Breath and Sound with Anna Newman

As a certified Transformational Breath ® facilitator and a BAST sound therapist, Anna is dedicated to guiding individuals towards holistic wellbeing and self discovery. With a commitment to lifelong learning and a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, Anna aims to inspire and support individuals on their journey towards greater health, vitality and inner peace.

About Anna

Transformational Breath®

Improve mental clarity, reduce anxiety and stress and support trauma recovery with Transformational Breath®.

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Sound Therapy

Gain the insight and empowerment to make life changing improvements with sound therapy.

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Client testimonials

Very releasing and cathartic

My Transformational Breath session with Anna was very releasing and cathartic. I could feel tensions in my body and Anna seemed to know intuitively where to apply pressure to help with the release. I could feel the tensions dissolving. Anna individualises a playlist too, and I felt like the lyrics spoke to me at just the right time. You go on a journey for sure! Anna is such a lovely, kind hearted soul, she makes you feel at ease and creates a safe space. I would highly recommend this therapy and to be supported and guided by someone like Anna is a real gift. Thank you Anna.

H. Birmingham


Wonderful, I felt safe. Incredible cleansing vibrations. I feel like I’ve had a re-set

S. Somerset

Really lovely and comforting

Unexpectedly soothing. It brought to the surface a lot of hidden angst, which I felt safe in but aware of. Really lovely and comforting

H. Somerset

Get started

Please get in touch to find out more about working together, or feel free to book onto a group session.

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