Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is important to us. This page explains how the personal information we collect through this website will be treated.

Who we are

We are Expansion Breath and Sound, a UK based therapeutic service run by Anna Newman.

What information we store

We store user input data sent through the contact form on this website, along with meta information about the submissions, including the time stamp, the origin IP address, and the user agent (browser). Also, third party services may collect information about website visitors. We currently use Google Analytics on this website.

Online bookings are taken via Bookwhen, the online privacy policy for which can be found here.

Where your information goes

The information collected by our contact form is sent as email messages and stored in our website database, both of which only a select few are allowed to access.

How long we keep the information

We don’t set a particular time limit on storing information because we may need it for future reference. If you would like your information to be removed from our email archive, please contact us. We will remove it anytime there are concerns about your privacy.

Who information is shared with

The information you input on our site is never shared with any third parties.

Get started

Please get in touch to find out more about working together, or feel free to book onto a group session.

Get in touch Book Online