Transformational Breath®

‘May your every breath bring peace & joy.
May all beings breathe free & flourish’ – Michael Sky

What is Transformational Breath®

Transformational Breath® is a gentle but powerful conscious connected breath technique that was developed by Dr Judith Kravitz.

It works on the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual levels. By using our full respiratory system and engaging our diaphragm, we bring more energy into our bodies, helping to detoxify cells, and massage our organs and lymphatic system. Opening up our system can tap into old emotions and beliefs, allowing them to integrate and release, thus allowing us to lead a more conscious and authentic life.

Transformational breath® helps promote mental clarity, reduces anxiety and stress and supports trauma recovery, without the need for talking through any emotionally charged experiences, which in turn can help with greater levels of self awareness.

As we focus on connecting our breath, we are allowing our mind and ego to let go of our stories, which can allow our subconscious to start it’s healing journey, leading to a more spiritually connected path and we can make profound changes to our lives.

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Please get in touch to find out more about working together, or feel free to book onto a group session.

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